
Volunteering at A4LI

At A4LI, we’re assembling a team of dedicated volunteers committed to advancing longevity advocacy at the state and federal level. We understand that real change happens on the ground, and it’s driven by people like you. As a volunteer, your role is crucial in the political advocacy process and in turning longevity into a topic that is top-of-mind for all policymakers!

Your commitment, whether a few hours a year or more, is invaluable. We’re here to support you with training and resources to ensure your efforts have the maximum effect. Join us in this collaborative endeavor to extend healthy life expectancies through smart policy and innovation.

Join Today!

Are you interested in making a tangible difference? If yes, please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you within 72 hours! Thank you for your commitment and we look forward to working with you!

You can also access the form here.

If you’d like to take it a step further, consider becoming a sponsor or one-time contributor. Thank you for joining the fight to make policymakers realize they need to take an active role in increasing healthy lifespan.